/// Owner authority which can add new reserves
owner: Pubkey,
/// Currency market prices are quoted in
/// e.g. "USD" null padded (`*b"USD\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\ 0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"`) or a SPL token mint pubkey
quote_currency: [u8; 32],
Description: Sets the new owner of a lending market
Tag: 1
0. `[writable]` Lending market account.
1. `[signer]` Current owner.
/// The new owner
new_owner: Pubkey,
Description: Initializes a new lending market reserve
Tag: 2
0. `[writable]` Reserve account - uninitialized.
1. `[]` Reserve liquidity SPL Token mint.
2. `[]` Reserve liquidity supply SPL Token account.
3. `[]` Reserve liquidity fee receiver.
4. `[]` Pyth product account when is_lp is false
Any account when is_lp is true
5. `[]` Reserve liquidity pyth oracle account when is_lp is
false; BridgePool account of bridge program when
is_lp is true
6. `[]` Reserve liquidity larix oracle account when
is_lp is false
LpPrice account of bridge program when is_lp is true
7. `[]` Reserve collateral SPL Token mint.
8. `[]` Reserve collateral token supply.
9 `[]` Lending market account.
10 `[signer]` Lending market owner.
11 `[]` Un_coll_supply_account
12 `[]` Clock sysvar.
13 `[]` Rent sysvar.
14 `[]` Token program id.
Description: Refresh an obligation's accrued interest and collateral and liquidity prices. Requires refreshed reserves, as all obligation collateral deposit reserves in order, followed by all liquidity borrow reserves in order.
Tag: 7
0. `[writable]` Obligation account.
1. `[]` Collateral deposit reserve accounts - refreshed, all, in order.
2. `[]` Liquidity borrow reserve accounts - refreshed, all, in order.
Description: Deposit collateral to an obligation. Requires a refreshed reserve.
/// Amount of collateral tokens to withdraw - u64::MAX for up to 100% of deposited amount
collateral_amount: u64,
Description: Borrow liquidity from a reserve by depositing collateral tokens; Requires a refreshed obligation and reserve.
Tag: 10
The current account will not be used.
It is used to make up the account number, in order to keep the size of the current instruction is equals to liquidate obligation instruction, to avoid the situation that the current transaction is successful but the liquidate cannot be performed.
0. `[writable]` Source borrow reserve liquidity supply SPL Token account.
1. `[writable]` Destination liquidity token account.
Minted by borrow reserve liquidity mint.
2. `[writable]` Borrow reserve account - refreshed.
3. `[writable]` Obligation account - refreshed.
4. `[]` Lending market account.
5. `[]` Derived lending market authority.
6. `[signer]` Obligation owner.
7. `[]` Token program id.
8. `[]` Larix oracle program account- Useless
9. `[]` Mine mint account - Useless
10.`[]` Mine supply account - Useless
/// Amount of liquidity to borrow - u64::MAX for 100% of borrowing power
liquidity_amount: u64,
Description: Repay borrowed liquidity to a reserve; Requires a refreshed obligation and reserve.
Tag: 11
0. `[writable]` Source liquidity token account.
Minted by repay reserve liquidity mint.
$authority can transfer $liquidity_amount.
1. `[writable]` Destination repay reserve liquidity supply SPL Token account.
2. `[writable]` Repay reserve account - refreshed.
3. `[writable]` Obligation account - refreshed.
4. `[]` Lending market account.
5. `[signer]` User transfer authority ($authority).
6. `[]` Token program id.
/// Amount of liquidity to repay - u64::MAX for 100% of borrowed amount
liquidity_amount: u64,
Description: Repay borrowed liquidity to a reserve to receive collateral at a discount from an unhealthy obligation; Requires a refreshed obligation and reserves.
/// Amount of liquidity to repay - u64::MAX for up to 100% of borrowed amount
liquidity_amount: u64,
Description: Make a flash loan
Tag: 13
0. `[writable]` Source liquidity token account.
Minted by reserve liquidity mint.
Must match the reserve liquidity supply.
1. `[writable]` Destination liquidity token account.
Minted by reserve liquidity mint.
2. `[writable]` Reserve account.
3. `[writable]` Flash loan fee receiver account.
Must match the reserve liquidity fee receiver.
4. `[writable]` Host fee receiver.
5. `[]` Lending market account.
6. `[]` Derived lending market authority.
7. `[]` Token program id.
8. `[]` Flash loan receiver program id.
Must implement an instruction that has tag of 0 and a signature
of `(amount: u64)`
This instruction must return the amount to the source liquidity account.
9. `[signer]` Flash loan authority
10. `[any]` Additional accounts expected by the receiving program's
`ReceiveFlashLoan` instruction.
The flash loan receiver program that is to be invoked should contain an
instruction with tag `0` and accept the total amount (including fee) that
needs to be returned back after its execution has completed.
Flash loan receiver should have an instruction with the following signature:
0. `[writable]` Source liquidity (matching the destination from above).
1. `[writable]` Destination liquidity (matching the source from above).
2. `[]` Token program id
3. `[any]` Additional accounts provided to the lending program's `FlashLoan`
instruction above
ReceiveFlashLoan {
// Amount that must be repaid by the receiver program
amount: u64
/// The amount that is to be borrowed - u64::MAX for up to 100% of available liquidity
amount: u64,
call_back_data: Vec<u8>
Description: Set Configures
Tag: 14
Description: Initializes mining int he obligation account.
Description: Repay borrowed liquidity to a reserve to receive collateral at a discount from an unhealthy obligation. Requires a refreshed obligation and reserves.