Version of the structpub version:u8,Last update to collateral, liquidity, or their market valuespub last_update:LastUpdate,Lending market addresspub lending_market:Pubkey,Owner authority which can borrow liquiditypub owner:Pubkey,Deposited collateral for the obligation, unique by deposit reserve addresspub deposits:Vec<ObligationCollateral>,Borrowed liquidity for the obligation, unique by borrow reserve addresspub borrows:Vec<ObligationLiquidity>,Market value of depositspub deposited_value:Decimal,Market value of borrowspub borrowed_value:Decimal,The maximum borrow value at the weighted average loan to value ratiopub allowed_borrow_value:Decimal,The dangerous borrow value at the weighted average liquidation thresholdpub unhealthy_borrow_value:Decimal,
pub struct ObligationCollateral
description: Obligation collateral state
/// Reserve collateral is deposited topub deposit_reserve:Pubkey,/// Amount of collateral depositedpub deposited_amount:u64,/// Collateral market value in quote currencypub market_value:Decimal,
pub struct ObligationLiquidity
description: Obligation liquidity state
/// Reserve liquidity is borrowed frompub borrow_reserve:Pubkey,/// Borrow rate used for calculating interestpub cumulative_borrow_rate_wads:Decimal,/// Amount of liquidity borrowed plus interestpub borrowed_amount_wads:Decimal,/// Liquidity market value in quote currencypub market_value:Decimal,